Meet Kishanganj's Anil Basak, who received AIR 45 in the UPSC CSE 2020.
Anil passed the UPSC exam on his third attempt. He was unable to pass the pre-exam…
Helloo everyone heres the answer key of Code Rider Summary test. Here two series of …
Helloo everyone download your answer key of Code Rider module 8 by clicking below. 👇?…
Q. Which of the following typecast properly sets the sin_addr field of the soc…
Q. Dividing a non- zero float value by a zeroed float value products: Ans:- a …
Q. What should be placed instead of <?> to make the following snippet work pr…
Q. To determine if the system shell is available or not, you would use the following …
Q. To specify any UNICODE characters, the following syntax may be used: Ans:- L '…
Q. Which of the following function headers is invalid? And:- void f0 (int n, . . . …
Q. The following symbol may ( in certain. circumstances) be taken as …
Anil passed the UPSC exam on his third attempt. He was unable to pass the pre-exam…
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