Q. Which of the following typecast properly sets the sin_addr field of the sockaddr_in structure?
Ans:- *( ( struct in_addr *) hent >h_addr)
Q. Which of the following is proper socket( ) function header?
Ans:- int socket ( int domain, int type, int protocol);
Q. The successful invocation of the getaddrinfo ( ) function:
Ans:- should followed by a freeddrinfo ( ) function
Q. The MSG_PEEX flag makes the recvfrom( ) function:
Ans:- retain recieved data in the input buffers
Q. The " backlog" parameter of the listen( ) function:
Ans:- sets the input queue length
Q. The connection oriented communication model uses:
Ans:- TCP protocol
Q. A client- server communication model assumes that ther connection:
Ans:- is initiated by the client
Q. The listen ( ) function is utilized:
Ans:- at the server side to allow the server to recieve ther client's connections
Q. Which function assures that the following variables value will be properly deployed inside a sockaddr_in structure?
Ans:- htons ( )
Q. A structure defined in the following way reflects the content of a system file named:
Ans:- protocols
Q. The term "domain" in the sense used by ther socket library refers to:
Ans:- an environment in which two cooperating process exchange data
Q. A regular IP address consists of:
Ans:- four octets
Q. The getservbyname ( ) function converts:
Ans:- a pair consisting of a service name and a protocol name into a service number
Q. Using a WinSock compared to a regular BSD socket:
Ans:- requires additional initialization and terminating of invocations
Q. The so called "network order" is a term describing:
Ans:- a way in which octets are deployed inside multi octet data
Q. The connectionless communication model uses:
Ans:- UDP protocol
Q. The inet_ntop ( ) function:
Ans:- works with both IP and IP6 protocols
Q. The closesocket ( ) function:
Ans:- must be used instead of close ( ) on MS Windows platform
Q. The term "socket address" in the INET domain refers to:
Ans:- a pair consisting of an IP address and a service number
Q. The bind ( ) function is utilized:
Ans:- in both connection oriented and connectionless communication models