Meet Kishanganj's Anil Basak, who received AIR 45 in the UPSC CSE 2020.
Anil passed the UPSC exam on his third attempt. He was unable to pass the pre-exam…
Measurment of pressure:- The pressure of fluid is measured by ther following devices…
The pressure on a fluid is measured in two different system. In one system, it is mea…
Sometimes the very things about ourselves we don’t pay much attention to speak volum…
Solid:- Substances having definite shape, size and also resist any kind…
Importance of soil in Civil Engineering as construction materials:- Soil is the mossy…
Soil is the mixture of organic matter, minerals, gasses, liquids and organism that tog…
Fluid pressure at a point:- Consider a small area dA in large mass of fluid if the st…
found a simple test that can reveal a lot about who you are and What does your sleep…
A deflection angle is the angle in which a survey line makes with the prolongation of…
Anil passed the UPSC exam on his third attempt. He was unable to pass the pre-exam…
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