Meet Kishanganj's Anil Basak, who received AIR 45 in the UPSC CSE 2020.
Anil passed the UPSC exam on his third attempt. He was unable to pass the pre-exam…
Clossing Error:- The distance by which a traverse f…
Ther discharge over a rectangular weir is given by:- Q= 2/3 × Cd × L ×[ (2g)^1/2 …
Velocity of approach:- Velocity of approach is defined…
Notch:- A notch is an opening in the side of a tank or a vessel in such away that the …
A traverse is a series of connected kines whose lengths and directions are measured i…
Following are fundamental lines of transit theodolite:- Vertical axis Horizontal axis …
The sources of error in transit work are:- Instrumental Personal Natural 1. Instrumen…
Some people marry because they feel love. Others marry to have sex, or else their re…
When the line is to be prolonged with high precision or when the instrument is in imp…
There are several methods to prolong a straight line from any station to infinity. 1.…
Attach trough compass to the theodolite at the place provided. Set up the instrumen…
The vertical angle is one between the horizontal line ( that is line of collimation ) …
Anil passed the UPSC exam on his third attempt. He was unable to pass the pre-exam…
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