
Showing posts from May, 2021Show All
Clossing error in theodolite traversing, calculations of bearings from angles, theodolite traversing problems
What is Francis's formula, According to Francis's formula the discharge over a rectangular weir, Francis's formula for a rectangular weir for two end contraction is given by.
Velocity of approach in fluid mechanics, velocity of approach in notch, velocity of approach in weir, maximum approach velocity.
Notch and Weir, definition, classification, types, difference.
Theodolite traversing, uses of theodolite traversing, types and methods of theodolite traversing, theodolite traversing by included angle method.
Permanent adjustment of theodolite, whataate the fundamental lines of transit theodolite, state different relationship between fundamental lines of theodolite.
Sources of errors in theodolite work, what are ther sources of errors in theodolite surveys, Types of error in theodolite, Error sources in total station in surveying, The error due tothe non- verticality of the vertical axis of a theodolite, Parallax error in theodolite, Index error in theodolite can be eliminated by, Closing error in theodolite traversing.
What are the most interesting facts about human behavior?, some psychology facts about wedding, love quotes, love tricks, love marriage, psychology about love.
Prolonging of a straight line by reversing method,  Prolonging of a straight line by double reversing method, prolonging of straight line, reversing method.
Prolonging a straight line, Prolonging a straight line by fore sight method,  prolonging a straight line by back sight method, prolonging a straight line by reversing method.
Measurement of Magnetic bearing of a line by theodolite, In order to measure the magnetic bearing of a line, the theodolite should be provided with, How to measure magnetic bearing of a line by theodolite.
Measurement of vertical angle, Measurement of vertical angle by theodolite practical, how to find measurment of vertical angle